4 Tips for Making Sure Your Trade Show Participation Stays Secure


If you’ve ever participated in a trade show event, you know there are certain risks involved that might eat into your ROI and potentially pose challenges to your brand value, data security, and to the valuable merchandise on display in your trade show booth. These are risks that need to be addressed to make your trade show participation journey smooth and successful. Here are four ways to maintain complete security of your brand and booth at the next trade show.

Secure your investment: Meet all trade show deadlines for paperwork and merchandise.

Most trade shows begin the process of paperwork and check-in several months before the big day. Make sure you have all of the required forms filled out and that you’re able to verify and validate your identity as a brand, and be careful to fill them out correctly – unfortunately, errors misinformation or late applications might delay, incur added costs or even jeopardize your participation in the trade show.

When you complete all the necessary pre-show entrance formalities before the designated timelines, you’ll be able to secure your trade show participation well ahead of time.

Secure your data: Use reliable and tested CRM software.

Throughout the trade show, it’s important to utilize reliable Customer Relation Management (CRM) software. CRM software can organize and secure your data on potential leads, existing customers, and other high-security information regarding customers. Leaving this type of sensitive data unsecured and open means you could lose all of your hard-earned leads within seconds – a scenario none of us want to encounter!

A possibility could arise where the thieves or burglars might try to steal your data through online measures, or even through stealing your digital files from your booth stand. Eliminate the possibility of such incidents from taking place with active use of secured CRM software that is insusceptible to such illegal activities.

Secure your valuables: Don’t leave anything lying around.

More laptops are stolen at a trade show than any other location. It feels like a safe environment and yet there are all kinds of people walking around. Just know that if you leave something lying around for an extended amount of time it may get absconded. Lead Scanning devices are especially susceptible. They are expensive to replace, and what’s worse is the sales leads scanned to that device might also be lost with it meaning lost opportunity costs as well.

Ensure professionalism and brand identity during the show: Use ID cards and dress code for your staff.

It’s important for trade show visitors to recognize your staff as being a part of your brand and brand identity. Making sure your staff is wearing name tags and a professional dress code will eliminate confusion, and create a cohesive brand identity throughout the show. The aim here is to represent your staff in a unique way to solidify your brand memory in their minds and make it easy for your trade show booth visitors to feel comfortable and exchange in useful dialogue about your product.

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