5 Things NOT to do at your Trade Show Booth for Trade Show Success


You work really hard to put together the best trade show booth, so that you can attract the most qualified trade show leads possible. It’s a big investment of time, money and resources, so you want to make sure it brings in as many potential clients and customers as possible, right?

That’s why we want to share 5 things that are hurting your trade show booth success. Then, we’ll show you the ultimate way to succeed!

Not Training Your Trade Show Booth Staff

When you go to a restaurant, the waiter is often the one who makes or breaks the meal. When they are helpful and knowledgeable, they create an inviting experience that makes you want to come back. However, if you have a waiter that’s unhelpful or rude, you may never go back to that restaurant…no matter how good the food is.

It is no different when it comes to trade show booth success. To make sure you draw crowds to your trade show booth and promote positive interactions, it’s critical to have a highly trained staff that are attentive, knowledgeable and ready to answer all and any questions potential leads may have. They, or whoever is speaking at your booth, is the face of your company and the first moment of truth in your brand promise, so they must present the best possible impression.

Not Using Trade Show Booth Giveaways and Draws Effectively

Giveaways can be a fantastic way to draw attention to your business and get new customers. Some exhibitors think it’s a waste of money, and yet you’d be surprised at the lengths people will go to receive a free inexpensive gift. Harness that desire and use it to your advantage. Talk with a knowledgeable promotional items representative to find the perfect giveaway item that both connects to your offering and secures that much wanted attention and buzz.

Being Reactive Rather Than Proactive to Trade Show Attendees

There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of trade show booths at major trade show events. This is why you cannot leave it up to chance that attendees will happen upon your booth. There are many booths for prospects to choose from, and you must make sure yours is so compelling, so interesting that they have no choice but to enter your booth space and check out your wares. Everything about your booth and your booth staff must be proactive, NOT reactive.

Trade Show Booth Barriers

Think of all the barriers that could be stopping people from coming to your exhibit. It could be that your trade show booth staff are checking their phones or acting uninterested. Perhaps someone is demonstrating your product, but they are doing it in a way that is mundane and ineffective. It may be that you are cutting off potential traffic to your booth by placing tables, counters, and displays that block of traffic flow. Trade show attendees will always take the path of least resistance. Make that path flow into your booth. Identify trade show booth barriers; then, you can eliminate them.

Being A Boring Trade Show Exhibit

The #1 way to drive away potential leads is to be boring. People are drawn to something because it’s enjoyable to watch and be a part of; it’s why we love concerts filled with bright lights and back up dancers. No matter how good a singer is, we often need a lot more to be entertained than one person with a microphone. A trade show booth is no different. The product or service may be excellent, but if booth visitors aren’t wooed or entertained by what you have in the booth, they won’t stick around.

If you are concerned about the 5 things you shouldn’t do at trade shows because it may take a really long time to find and train the right staff. Maybe you’re not sure how to take your trade show booth from a so-so to a place everyone feels compelled to stop at. Don’t worry; there’s a solution.

Hire A Professional Trade Show Entertainer

A trade show entertainer does so much more than draw in potential leads; they are highly trained to give your prospects a truly compelling reason to stop by and stay awhile. They have the skills to entertain, communicate your brand’s message and turn passerby into potential customers.

It’s an investment, sure, but one that will generate many leads that will lead to more revenue and referrals. (Plus, if you hire Trade Show Magician Anders Boulanger or one of his Certified Infotainers, he offers a guarantee: We will increase your trade show booth leads and traffic, or you don’t pay!)

So, if you want a trade show booth that is entertaining, presented by someone highly trained and able to utilize trade show giveaways in a way that truly increases your business, consider hiring a trade show booth entertainer.

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