5 Tips for Inspiring Your Team


We’ve all been there: you’ve got a big trade show coming up or a new project to handle, but the ideas aren’t flowing; despite hours of brainstorming, you and your team have hit a wall when it comes to inspiring winning trade show strategies. What now? The good news is that you’re not alone if you’re experiencing an Idea block! The great news is that getting out of a slump is easier than you think. Here are five tips for inspiring your team when you feel like all is lost and the inspiration isn’t there.

Ask for outside input

Sometimes, it’s difficult to draw inspiration when you’ve been looking at something for too long or you’re in too deep. When this happens, never be afraid to ask for help! One of the best things to do in these scenarios is to find a trusted coworker or colleague to sit in on a few minutes of your next brainstorming session. Run this person through your team’s challenge and what you’ve come up with so far.

Then, sit back and listen. Because this information is new to this person, he or she will have no presupposed notions or biases and might be able to see it from a different angle.

Take a break and do something else

If you and your team are lacking inspiration, instead of putting your heads down and trying to force it, take a break. Go home, rest, go for a drive, eat something, or go for a walk – anything that will get your mind off the problem at hand and distracted. Or, if it’s in the middle of the day, have everyone return to their desks to work on other unrelated projects.

When you’re done for the day, sleep on it. Giving your brain that kind of break and letting it recharge overnight could help you feel refreshed and renewed the next day. Have your team take a stab at it the next day with fresh eyes and a rested mind.

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Get outside or change the scenery

Sometimes, simply changing your surroundings can spark ideas and inspiration! Instead of locking yourselves in the office and not leaving until the problem is figured out, go somewhere new and talk about something else. For instance, if the weather is nice, take your team outside for a picnic-like lunch where you can talk in a more relaxed atmosphere that doesn’t come with the pressure of formality in the office. Simply being in nature can help you reboot and inspire with a refreshed mind.

If you can’t go outdoors, try changing the venue. Sometimes, all you need to do to trigger inspiration is to look at things from a different angle at a different place. Try going to a coffee shop, bookstore, or another local venue. You might find other people looking for similar inspiration.

Take the day off or head out on a weekend getaway

There’s nothing more recharging than getting out of town. If you have the freedom to do so, completely changing your environment for even a few days can do wonders for the mind and body. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate multiple-day vacation – a simple overnight getaway to a favorite place you can drive to, or even a day trip to a place you’ve never been, can be a refreshing experience.

By removing yourself completely from your daily routine, you’ll allow your mind to focus on other things, getting the respite it needs and opening it up to finding inspiration again.

Draw inspiration from others

Chances are, whatever challenges you and your team are facing is not unique. Someone, somewhere, at some time, has probably faced similar circumstances. Try drawing your inspiration from what those people did in those situations: it could be from other teams in your company, or from thought leaders and inspirational speakers. It could even be from your competitors!

Whatever the source, know that someone else somewhere else has faced a similar challenge and has overcome it. Find out how they solved the problem, and you might draw some inspiration from that.

These are just a few simple ways in which you and your team can become inspired if you are feeling anything but creative. By looking at the challenge from a new angle, getting away for a while, or simply giving your brain a break, you’ll be inspired to tackle the task at hand and be prepared for anything and any new trade show that comes your way.

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