5 Tips for Working with Trade Show Vendors & Contractors


It takes a team to put together a great trade show booth; such a team may go outside your immediate employees. It’s likely you’ll be working with other vendors and contractors, such as:

  • Temporary event staff
  • Outside designers or manufacturers
  • Transportation & delivery team
  • And beyond

These people are often essential to securing trade show success. However, it can also feel a bit scary to put work in others’ hands – out of our own direct control. To have the smoothest possible exhibit experience, here are great tips for trade show vendors.

Tell Them Exactly What You Want

No matter how obvious details may seem, it is critical to take the time to speak with your vendors about exactly what you expect from them. Walk through the process and needs step-by-step, leaving no stone unturned. Good communication means clear expectations for both parties.

Also, make sure they understand the mission, values and goals of both your business and reason for being at the trade show. This empowers them to better understand where you’re coming from and how to represent the brand best.

Set Deadlines Early

If you need something to be ready the day before the trade show, have it ready at least a few days before. If a speaker is set to be at your booth for 11 am, ask them to arrive well ahead of that.

The unexpected will often happen. People may be late. Prevent disaster by setting times and days earlier than actually needed, so if something or someone is late, you can still achieve great trade show success.

Create a Sense of Unity

When people feel connected, they want to help and support one another. This is why it’s important to create an atmosphere that is team-centric before, during and after the trade show. When your employees are inclusive and supportive of temporary trade show staff and friendly to the delivery teams, those people are going to feel helpful and excited for your company in return.

And, let’s be honest: Happier teams make better teams.

Share Contact Information

Make sure each person who is a part of the team has one another’s contact info. You never know who may need to call or check information with someone else. At the least, send out an email with each person’s email and cell phone number. Simple – but could be a lifesaver.

Make Sure Booth Staff are Ready to Represent

Is your staff or temporary hired help able to effectively discuss your brand and its offerings in a strategic, conversational way – a way that will lead to sales? Be sure to share your high level messaging with all hired booth staff to ensure they can represent your brand accurately and in the best light.

Here’s an easy way to make sure your staff and vendors go into the trade show exhibit prepared: Proven professional trade show booth training.

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