6 Travel Essentials from North America’s Top Trade Show Infotainer


If you follow this blog you know that our company, The Infotainers, is hired by organizations to create leads and impact profits at trade shows all over the world. Traveling to dozens of trade shows a year in both North America and Europe I’ve become somewhat of a seasoned traveler.  Here is a list of the must-have items that always make it into both my checked luggage and carry-on.

Top 6 Essential Travel items:

TRX Suspension Trainer – I got turned on to these suspension straps years ago and I just love how you can bring a whole gym with you when you travel and it’s only 2lbs of added weight. It doesn’t look like much but you’d be blown away with the total body workout you can get from the comfort of your hotel room. So no matter where you stay, you have no excuses.

Jiffy E-steam – While a lot of business travelers opt for the trick where you turn on the hot water in the shower to steam the wrinkles out of your clothes, I never felt that worked that well and it was real waste of water. I’ve had a number of steamers over the years but this model is a real work horse. Carrying a steamer means you can fold your suits which means you don’t need a garment bag. You can also deodorize shirts which enables you to pack fewer things.

Briggs and Riley Luggage – I’ve gone through my share of suitcases and knowing that you have a lifetime repair or replacement guarantee is worth the extra dollars to me. Not only that but they are highly functional and very classy. There’s nothing worse than cursing your cheap luggage as it breaks down mid-trip.

Bose Quiet Comfort 20 Earphones – These head phones have been a game-changer for me. Until you have tried noise cancelling head phones you don’t realize how loud the interior of a plane really is. With the Bose QC ear buds you arrive at your destination feeling less tired and stressed after a long flight. A real must of transatlantic flights.

Vibram 5 fingers – Yeah I’m one of those guys who wears the freaky toe shoes. I’m into minimalistic running so these are my running shoes. After standing on a concrete trade show floor for 7 hours, putting these on and walking the Vegas strip is like getting a foot massage. What’s also nice is they take up almost no room in your luggage and they can double as your hotel slippers!

Passport Holder – I feel a little goofy wearing this thing around my neck and yet it’s worth the peace of mind it gives me. I once lost my passport on an overseas business trip and knowing that I have what I need for international travel is around my neck at all times puts my mind at ease.

What are your travel must-haves? Comment below and let our readers know what you take with you to make travelling and business more enjoyable and comfortable.

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