Authentic Online Presence


Here you are scrolling through your Linkedin Feeds, you did click the link we posted and now you’re reading this blog. Or maybe you are on Facebook or Instagram laughing at some reels and for some reason you are routed here? Yeah, it’s usually the algorithm that does that but I’m not an expert on that aspect so I’m not going to explain more about it.

What I really wanted to discuss is “Authenticity”.  Gone are the days when social media was solely about sharing cat videos and vacation photos. It’s now a thriving hub for networking, job hunting, and personal branding. And guess what? Authenticity is your golden ticket. When you’re genuine, you stand out amidst the sea of copy-paste profiles and cookie-cutter content. Authenticity is your professional fingerprint – it shows that you’re not just a suit, but a multifaceted individual with passions, quirks, and unique perspectives.

So, how can we stay Authentic and forge strong connections on Social Media?

1. Balancing the Professional Self and the Genuine Self

Finding the balance between your professional self and your real self on social media is an art. It’s about sharing insights from your journey, your learnings, and your challenges while maintaining a tone that resonates with your industry. Your real self is the foundation upon which your professional self stands. Don’t be afraid to show your enthusiasm for your work, your struggles that transformed you, and even the occasional meme that made you chuckle during a tough project.

2. Building Trust Through Transparency

Authenticity builds trust. When you share your triumphs and your setbacks, you humanize yourself. You’re no longer a distant figure in a business suit; you’re a relatable professional who’s been through the trenches. Transparency about your career trajectory, your thought process behind decisions, and even your doubts can resonate with others who might be on a similar journey. People are more likely to engage with someone they perceive as genuine and honest.

3. Crafting Your Authentic Online Presence

So, how do you create an authentic online presence? Start by sharing content that genuinely excites you. If you’re passionate about data analysis, share insights or trends that intrigue you. If you’re an advocate for work-life balance, discuss strategies that have worked for you. Alongside your professional achievements, let your personality shine through. It could be a book you’re reading, a hobby you’re passionate about, or a personal story that has influenced your career.

4. Engagement: The Heart of Authenticity

Authenticity isn’t a one-way street. It’s a dialogue. Engage with your connections by genuinely responding to comments on your posts and taking part in meaningful discussions. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about fostering connections that can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or even unexpected opportunities.

Embrace your professional journey and share it authentically – the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens. By doing so, you’re not only building a network; you’re creating a community of like-minded professionals who value the genuine stories and experiences that make us all human.

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