The Top 4 Information Security Trade Shows 2017 (and last minute 2016)


Naturally, you want to attend the best information security trade show for your business. The question might just be:

Which information security trade fair(s) should you invest in?

That’s why we’ve done the research for you. Here’s a 2017 trade show calendar with the best security technology trade shows in the world.

1. RSA Conference (Feb 13 – 17, 2017) San Francisco, CA

With 40,000+ attendees at the 2016 RSA Conference, this information security conference and IT show offers a massive amount of traffic for any expo booth. It’s hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley and sponsored by companies such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Symantec and Verizon.

Attendees – ones with buying power! – come to learn about the services and cutting edge technology exhibitors have to offer. This makes it a prime opportunity to have a information security trade show booth and connect with potential buyers.

Learn more about the the benefits of this conference and how to stay updated on RSA Conference 2017 here.

2. Blackhat USA (July 30 – Aug 4, 2016) Las Vegas, CA
(2017 Sign Ups Coming Soon)

Blackhat USA is more than just a regular 2 day trade show. It’s an in-depth meeting of information security minds, involving 4 days of intense training before the 2 day main event. It opens in July, meaning it’s probably too late to become an exhibitor for this 2017 security trade show. However, learn more and see why you might want to pounce on this opportunity in 2017.

Packed with information security training, briefings and workshops, attendees come to get informed and learn. That’s why 250 companies are exhibiting at the 2016 Blackhat USA Business Hall – to network and collaborate with professionals at the Career Zone, Innovation City and Vendor sessions – which are all about educating attendees.

Interested in expanding to Europe? Say bonjour to Black Hat Europe.

3. InfoSec (June 7 – 9, 2016) – London, England
(2017 Sign Ups Coming Soon)

The Infosecurity Europe trade fair is an international gathering for the information security industry. It offers unique opportunities for both suppliers and buyers, facilitating powerful relationships and collaborations across the globe – no small scale here.

It might be too late to attend the 2016 conference, however, learning about all it has to offer now will mean you’ll be ready to snag a spot for a 2017 trade show exhibit.

In 2015, InfoSec Europe hosted 12,007+ visitors and 260+ renowned speakers. As an exhibitor, you’d have access to this wide network. Find out more about becoming a Infosec exhibitor and the many benefits of exhibiting in this quick video.

4. IT-SA (October 18 – 20, 2016) – Nuremberg, Germany

There are many benefits to attending IT-SA. For example, it’s:

  • The only IT security exhibit show in a German-speaking area.
  • Considered one of the best internet security trade shows on a global level.
  • Has attendees hungry for information. According to the 2015 data,
    • 65 % of IT-SA visitors sought information about new products and 47 % were looking to broaden their knowledge.

From cloud computing and IT forensics to data security, this information trade fair provides attendees (like IT developers and security offers) with the latest information and connects them with trade show exhibitors ready to display the best new products & services.

As this technology trade show is in Nuremberg October 18 – 20, 2016, there still may be time to sign up. Learn more about being a 2016 exhibitor here.

Succeeding at the Trade Show

Each trade show has an amazing opportunity to grow your business and customer base, but there will be a lot of other exhibitors trying to attract similar customers.

Luckily, it’s easy grab attention and create leads with this super easy way to succeed at trade shows.

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