Building Booth Authority – How To Give Your Booth a Star Power


Building booth authority is all about giving your exhibit that extra star power. After working in hundreds of trade show booths, it’s clear that certain elements consistently attract attention and create buzz. I call this combination of elements “booth authority.” The more you incorporate, the more your booth will shine. Here are the five key factors to elevate your booth’s presence:


Larger-The bigger the booth the more it contrasts with the other booths in the area. A larger booth is a larger investment and shows a commitment to the show.

Island– Is your booth big enough to be an island booth? Maximize your exposure to the aisles and increase the number of entry points.

Design and Layout

Open– Don’t cut yourself off at the knees and make your booth hard to enter. Keep it open and easy to access.

Critical Corner– Your critical corner is the corner facing the most active aisles. This space is where your traffic-building activities should take place to stop and engage passersby. Don’t put a desk here to have staff sit at.


Darling In The Industry– Does your company have a stellar reputation? Is your company known well in the industry?

On Trend– Is what you are offering hot right now? If your products are on-trend then you’ll have a lot of interest.


Staging– How you frame your products and people will affect how your prospects look at them. Put them on display and remember that eye level is buy-level.

A/V and Lighting– How you see the presentation and products can change the overall experience. Ensure that you light your booth effectively and have professional sound and display capabilities.


Prominent- Most desirable locations will come at a price. High-visibility locations give greater brand exposure and access to attendees

In the Triangle- Draw the point of a triangle out from the entrance to the back corners of the hall. Booths that fall in this area will be better off than others not in the triangle

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