In the inaugural episode of Engaging Personalities, Josh Elledge of UpMyInfluence speaks with the creator and host of the show, Engagify’s Anders Boulanger.
Anders shares that he loves teaching others how to become more engaging. There are some things machines and computers can’t replicate or replace, and one of those things is engaging human connection. This is what Engagify is about; they teach people in business how to be most effectively understood and heard.
Anders explains that he’s looking for people who are passionate about this topic and have done something brilliant with their company in order to better engage in their communication as a brand. He’s looking to interview those in the role of Director of Sale Enablement, VP of Marketing, or VP of Sales at an industry-agnostic company based in the US.
Think you’d be a great guest on the show? Apply HERE.
Want to learn more about Anders and his work? Check out Engagify’s website at