Creating Presence Through Awareness

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Executive presence can really set you apart. But how do you actually build that kind of presence? It starts with awareness—being fully aware of how you’re coming across and how people see you. The way you carry yourself, your tone, your body language—it all plays a part in shaping the impression you make.

A lot of people work on improving their presence but miss one important thing: they don’t always realize how they’re being perceived. You might feel confident, but do others pick up on that, or are they getting a different vibe? Awareness helps you close that gap by tuning into what you’re really projecting, so you can make sure it’s the message you want to send.

Give Respect to Get Respect

Here’s the thing—if you want people to pay attention to you and respect you, it starts with you giving them that same respect. Being fully present when you’re talking to someone, giving them your attention—that’s what gets people to do the same for you. Presence isn’t about being the loudest in the room; it’s about making genuine connections by showing you’re engaged.

Are You Aware of How You’re Perceived?

Presence goes beyond words. It’s in the eye contact you make, how you stand, and even the tone of your voice. These small details can make a big difference in how people see you. When your actions line up with your message, you come across as more credible, confident, and trustworthy.

Creating a strong presence isn’t just about looking or sounding the part. It’s about being aware and fully engaged with the people around you. When you’re present and show genuine attention, others will respond to that energy. And that’s what helps build true executive presence.

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