Elevating The Moment at Trade Shows

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As in-person events start to return, and we are able to feed the hunger for human connection that we’ve been deprived of over the last year, exhibitors are going to have to learn how to capitalize on these face to face interactions in new and better ways.

Just showing up will not be enough. The tendency will be to dip your toe in the water by doing the minimum to attend the show. This is a recipe for invisibility. You will fade to the background and you won’t even be noticed.

You need to elevate the moment with your booth visitors. Here’s a great question for you to stimulate your thought process: “How will you celebrate humanity?”

The crowds will be thinner to start with as people get more comfortable traveling and restrictions loosen. So, there’ll be a focus on measuring the quality of interaction, as opposed to the quantity.

What this means is that you must take your best people to the show; your highest quality booth staff as opposed to quantity, like you have traditionally.

Have them trained to engage at a high level and utilize a theme that’s going to tap into our need for connection.

High quality interactions will result in high quality leads and engaged buyers.

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