Infotainment Service


Increase Your Trade Show Leads and Visitor Engagement

Take your trade show exhibit to the next level by employing a live interactive presentation that captures attention and communicates your marketing message. Give prospects a compelling reason to stop at your booth and engage with your staff.

Our Certified Infotainers have generated over 100,000 leads in the short history of the company.

Trusted to Produce Leads and Engagement by These Companies

Leverage the
Power of a Live
Interactive Trade Show

Our Certified Infotainers will stop attendees in their tracks. They’ll attract them to your booth and keep your booth staff busy.

By presenting a customized fully integrated presentation your prospects will learn all your points of differentiation. Your booth will stand out from the masses by using an engaging live presenter.

Whether you are at a vertical or horizontal show our skilled Infotainers can qualify the crowd where they stand allowing your booth staff to work more effectively.

Certified Trade Show Infotainer, Founder and CEO of Engagify, Anders Boulanger, is more than a trade show presenter. He and his team work with your company to increase your trade show leads and traffic or you don’t pay.

Get your booth the attention it deserves and dominate your next trade show and increase your leads, guaranteed.

Rish Free

Delivering impact for our clients is job #1. That’s why at Engagify, everything we offer from our trainings to the execution of our in-event Infotainment is covered by a money-back guarantee. If you fully engage with the material that we offer, we guarantee that it will have a significant impact on your business and your life.

Engage Leads & Get Tangible Results

Increased Lead Generation

Increase your leads by attracting more attendees and finding more qualified leads. Our clients experience an average lead generation increase of 54%.


Most booths aren’t given a second look. With our Infotainer solution your booth will be noticed and your marketing message will be heard and understood.


Measure the impact of your exhibit using our Engagalytics facial recognition solution. Garner number visitors, demographics, attention span and other useful metrics.


The Secret to Trade Show Success

Transform your booth into a thriving hub with our dedicated Trade Show Engagement Specialists. Beyond attracting attention, our specialists craft personalized strategies to immerse your audience, ensuring your booth is not just noticed, but remembered.

Working From The Outside In

An Engagement Specialist will hustle with no hassle

Our Engagement Specialists are true professionals. Easy to work with and the hardest working people on the trade show floor. They will stop, engage and qualify all of the passersby. This frees up your people to have the valuable conversations with the right leads. Find out how!

The Engagify Difference

What makes our Engagement Specialists different is that they are specially trained to increase your leads and free up your booth staff to have the quality conversations that they want to have. Having them on the front lines this way means you never miss the right leads. With an Engagement Specialist you get visitors who are already pumped and excited to meet you. That’s a real weight off your shoulders!

Key Benefits when you use an Engagement Specialist

Thick Skinned

Engagement Specialists are realistic that you can’t win ‘em all. Their secret is, they reject rejection! They move on. They know from their skill at engagement who’s right for you and who isn’t. This way they stop the right traffic in the aisles and qualify your attendees, getting you the right leads, saving you a lot of time and hassle.

Unique Skill Set

Engagement Specialists bring a lot more to the table than looks and personality! They may speak a second language, or some might do magic tricks. We’ve had others who do comedy or improvisation. Whatever the unique skill may be, we make sure it’s tailored to your business needs. But what they all have in common is knowing how to attract and qualify your attendees. 

Energy Levels

Imagine your booth staff on steroids! Our Engagement Specialists work with the same energy late in the day as first thing in the morning, always to drive parties into your booth for deeper conversations with your sales staff. In our experience, if you look at the number of scans per person at a trade show booth, our Engagement Specialist will often have not only the most, but more than the combined sum of scans of the other staff. That’s energy!


Our Tools of the
Trade Show

Amplify your results with a detailed – and engaging! – plan of action. You’ve got to have a plan if you’re going to succeed at a trade show. To realize success with your plan, you need to work with the right tools! Here are a few of our favourites – sure to become yours!

The Engagement Deck

Gamify your training! For a fun, exhilarating way to teach your staff a full line-up of engagement techniques, simply whip out the Engagement Deck! Each card comes with a trade show exhibiting tip. There’s everything from “how to engage passersby” to “booth etiquette”.

Spin to Win

Who can resist this classic game of chance? You determine the level of prize, the user spins – and wins! Every time! So do you, establishing contact with a happy customer!

Crowd Metrics

Engagify offers a facial recognition analytics tool that enables you to measure your booth traffic in an empirical way. Your report will tell you about the busiest times of the day, how long the average visitor stayed, what was their attention span, their sentiment, as well as some other demographic details.

If you want to objectively measure your impact at trade shows, ask us about our Crowd Metrics solution.

Case Study

From Zero to Hero

Micron went from zero engagement and a quiet ignored booth to receiving 4 X the traffic which doubled their lead generation efforts. Download the Case Study from their VM World experience.

Virtual Infotainment

When you can’t be there, but still need to engage, it takes a special team member to reach out and make those deeper connections. It starts with our committing to a deeper connection with you and what you want from your audience. Once we get going, you’ll see our virtual infotainers make a very REAL difference!

More Ways To Engage

It’s what you say. It’s how you say it. It’s even how you look and move when you say it. Engagement takes many forms. Before you go on – whether it’s on a phone or a stage or places in between, we’ve got all the training you need to make deeper and better connections.