Spin to Win


Round and round she goes, and where she stops… Engagement Flows!

The Spin To Win is one of our most popular tools with both clients and their audiences, and for good reason: everybody wins. Yes, everybody. Here’s how it works…

  • Simply preload your prize list into the Spin To Win app and determine the win ratio
  • The user scans the QR code to bring up the game on a web page
  • The user spins the wheel – everyone loves a good dopamine (i.e. pleasure) rush! 
  • The user lands on a winner, then hits the Redeem button
  • To redeem, the user fills out a form filling in their name and email address
  • The user then visits your booth and collects their prize in person!

We’ve provided more details in the video, but here, you can already see how we generate dopamine for the client – and for yourself! We could also call that engagement. That’s what we mean by everybody wins! You like to win, don’t you?

Learn more about Spin To Win!

Engagement is our business, so we’re happy to answer any questions on how you use our products, or, whether you’d like one of our professionals to present them for you at a trade show. Either way, you come out a winner! Ask how we can help you Engagify today!