Eye Contact Hack for Virtual Meetings


If you are like me and you want to create the most connection possible with your virtual meeting counterparts, then creating eye contact is mission critical.

The problem is that we are wired to look at someone’s eyes but they are on the screen not at the camera where we should look. This creates an infinite loop with everyone casting their eyes down.

That’s why I created this.. It harnesses our natural wiring for looking at the people we are speaking to while giving the camera eye contact at the same time.

I’m utilizing a Glide Gear Teleprompter with an 11″ monitor that is a duplicate of my monitor on the left. The beam-splitter glass reflects the zoom participants and I’m able to look at them while the camera shoots through the glass and catches me looking into the camera.

The result is a face to face experience for you while giving eye contact to your meeting guests.

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