Get Them To Turn Their Camera On!


Virtual selling is hard enough as it is and then your prospect decides to leave you in the dark by not turning on their camera. To be as effective as you can, you need to be able to see the other party. Here are 4 lines we’ve created and tested to get your potential client to turn on their camera:

Using Logic:

Did you know that 55% of what you are saying is visual?

So, with your camera turned off, I’m getting less than half of your potential message.

You don’t mind turning on your camera, do you?

Using Logic #2:

Are we on the same page when I say that communication and transparency are key to any business relationship?


You don’t mind turning on your camera then do you?

Tongue-in-cheek version:

With your camera off, it’s kinda like me coming to your office to have a meeting with the lights out.

You don’t mind turning on your camera then, do you?

Pointed Version:

I was under the impression that when we booked this virtual meeting, we’d have a face to face conversation. In the interests of us being both effective with our time and efficient with our communication…

You don’t mind turning on your camera, do you?

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