It’s not just about Blending in…


Have you ever found yourself sitting in a meeting, eager to share your brilliant idea, only to feel like you’re getting ignored? It’s a common struggle for many professionals who want their ideas to be heard and valued. While the typical approach might be to blend in and wait for the perfect moment to speak, there’s a more powerful and effective way to captivate your audience – Peripheral Thinking.

Peripheral Thinking is a concept popularized by cognitive experts and creative thinkers and encourages us to shift our focus from the center of attention to the edges, where opportunities to engage and influence abound. 

So how can we utilize this concept to command attention, foster engagement, and leave a lasting impression on our audience?

Be Observant:

Instead of merely focusing on the main speaker or your notes, take a moment to observe the room and the people in it. Watch for visual cues, body language, and unspoken reactions. Peripheral Thinking allows you to gain valuable insights into the emotions and interests of your audience. This heightened awareness helps you tailor your message to resonate better with them.

Listen Attentively to Side Conversations:

Peripheral Thinking is not just about seeing what’s happening around you; it also involves actively listening to the side conversations. Those hushed discussions might provide critical information about the concerns, doubts, or questions others have, which you can then address when you get the chance to speak.

Spotting Opportunities for Contribution:

As you cultivate your peripheral vision and hearing, you’ll find that meetings are rife with opportunities to contribute meaningfully. Instead of waiting for someone to directly ask for your input, seize the chance to offer your thoughts when you sense a gap in the discussion or when a topic aligns with your expertise.

Craft Your Narrative for Impact:

Peripheral Thinking goes beyond simply jumping into conversations. It’s essential to craft your narrative in a way that piques curiosity and maintains attention. Think about the key points you want to convey and structure your ideas in a clear and compelling manner. Remember, captivating your audience requires a blend of engaging content and an eloquent delivery.

Acknowledge and Build on Others’ Ideas:

To make your presence felt, it’s crucial to show active engagement with the ideas shared by your colleagues. When someone presents an interesting point, acknowledge it, and build upon it with your own insights. This not only demonstrates your collaborative spirit but also helps establish your presence in the meeting.

Peripheral Thinking provides a strategic and thoughtful approach to captivate your audience during meetings. By cultivating this skill, you can harness the power of observation, active listening, and strategic contribution to make a lasting impact. So, the next time you find yourself in a meeting, don’t blend in and wait for your turn; embrace Peripheral Thinking and take charge of your narrative. Your ideas deserve to be heard, and with the right approach, they will not only be heard but also valued and appreciated.

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