On the Phone Confidence


“Believe in yourself and your ability to communicate, for confidence is the key to effective conversations.”

– Maya Angelou

I usually just brush off cold calls without a second thought. I mean who wants to spend so much time talking to a stranger who’s selling something, right? But there was one occasion that I made an exception, in fact, I even bought something from that caller.

The guy that I talked to was different from the usual cold calls I received. He was confident and you could hear it in his voice that he actually wanted to help, not just make a quick buck. The non-verbal component just spoke to me and made me feel a certain way.

The non-verbal component includes aspects such as tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions. You probably thinking, why would I need all of this when I’m just making phone calls? They can’t see me!

I know, I know, but just hear me out. Mastering these elements can significantly enhance how we come across during phone conversations.

Here are some insights on leveraging the non-verbal component to sound confident during phone calls:

  • Tone of Voice: Project confidence and enthusiasm through your tone of voice. Speak with clarity and a steady pace, avoiding mumbling or speaking too quickly. A confident tone can inspire trust and captivate the listener.
  • Body Language (Yes, Even Over the Phone!): While phone calls lack visual cues, your body language still affects how you come across. Maintain an upright posture and sit or stand comfortably to enhance your vocal delivery. Your posture impacts your breathing and voice projection, enabling you to sound more confident.
  • Facial Expressions: Though not visible during phone calls, your facial expressions can influence your voice. Smiling while speaking can naturally enhance the warmth and friendliness in your tone, making you more approachable and confident.
  • Breathing and Pauses: Take deep breaths to regulate your voice and instill a sense of calm. Strategic pauses can be used to emphasize important points or allow the other person to respond. Controlled breathing and well-timed pauses demonstrate thoughtfulness and confidence.

By paying attention to these non-verbal aspects, you can create a more engaging and confident phone presence. Remember, you may want to look not just at the words you’re saying but how you’re saying them. It can have a profound impact on the results that you generate.

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