What can salespeople learn from a Children’s book?


What can salespeople learn from a children’s book? It’s not so much what they learn from reading it, but to be reminded of how one would read it. ??‍♀️ ??

? To make things exciting and engaging for a child we learn to be more animated and attach more meaning to our words when we say them.

??‍? ??‍? Then we get all professional in the workplace and start using multisyllabic compound nouns that the marketing department wants us to use. We say the words but we don’t put a whole lot into them.

?We get so that we’re just saying words and dumping data. Data that comes from our head straight out of our mouths. In the attention economy, just saying the right words is not enough to engage prospects and clients.

❌We need to go beyond saying the right things and say them right.✅

We need to dump the data dumps and rehumanize our language to make our message impactful. ?

Connect to your words and make people feel, instead of just thinking, and watch how people respond to you and your message.

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