Doing things right at Data Dog


Hey, Anders here, I’m at AWS 2016. I wanted to share something with you that is really special. Behind me, there’s a booth that’s called Datadog.

I heard about it because I kind of had an insider tip that told me that these guys were doing amazing things with their trade show booth. First of all, this is a show that is straight up vertical for them, which means, the majority of attendees are actual prospects. Because of that, they’re going all out.

So, if you can see behind me, they’ve got those pillars. Those are two-sided demo stations so in total they have 12 demo stations.  This allows them to be able to have valuable conversations with a lot of people simultaneously.

Not only that, but on the inside, they’ve also got people that float around the outside called grabbers. These are people who are proactive. Their job is to stop people, scan them and then bring them over to demo people to watch a demonstration. The demo pods on the outside, they all have microphones with little sound systems so that they can demonstrate to even more people and gather little crowds around each booth. 

Getting back to the grabbers, the company holds the grabbers accountable. They must meet a quota of 44 scans per hour. Then the top person every hour wins $100. The top person each day wins $500. So you’ve got these people who are really motivated to get the scans, they’re bringing people over to the demo stations so they can have those demonstrations. It’s a really slick system and they are really cranking here at the show.

When you  look at that booth, there’s not much to it, it’s mostly demo stations and there is a little counter in the center and a quieter space on the inside where people can come in, ask questions. The design is, from a form point of view, nothing special, but the function that they get out that square footage is incredible. This is an example of a really well executed booth strategy.

If you have a company that would benefit from that kind of set-up, I highly recommend going in this direction. By far, the best booth I’ve seen here at AWS. 

Talk to you soon. Thanks for watching.

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