How to Use Content Marketing Before a Tech Trade Show

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Content is a big buzzword at the moment. You know it’s important for awareness and growth, especially in the tech industry, but sometimes aren’t sure what :

  • Topics to address
  • Medium to share content through (Email, social media…)
  • And how to get prospects to engage back

That’s why we’re sharing content marketing tips for trade show success.

Reach Out to Current Clients or “Hot Leads”

Use the power of content via email marketing. Send an email before the trade show to let clients and/or the hottest leads know you’ll be exhibiting at a tech trade show. Provide an opportunity that makes ‘em feel special, such as a :

  • Free one-on-one session
    • Perhaps walking them through your company’s latest offerings or updates.
  • Ticket for a giveaway or raffle
    • This could be a giveaway that’s physical or something like a free update, download or subscription, such as to your platform or services for 3 months.
  • Question for topics or information THEY want to hear about at the show
    • Not only does it show you value their opinion, it provides an opportunity for them to hit Reply and engage with your brand.

Use Social Media for Trade Show Marketing

Content marketing via social media can be powerful, especially since there are tech updates so often. It’s key to target the RIGHT mediums. Find out where your audience is and address them there. For example :

  • LinkedIn is ideal for B2B.
  • Twitter is great for fast, more immediate and conversational engagement, and updates.
  • Instagram is ideal for sharing visuals and live updates, such as through “Instagram Stories”.

Choose the platform(s) that’ll reach and serve your audience best. Then, focus there!

Create Content that Speaks to Your Target Market

Your content needs to provide value. Here are ideas to brainstorm valuable content ideas:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Think about questions you’re asked about your products or services, and/or your tech niche in general; address these questions in your content AND invite people to discuss further at the trade show.
  • Help Them Navigate the Trade Show / Area
    • If you’re targeting trade show attendees, think about what would helpful for them. Perhaps a guide to maximizing the trade show? What tech presentations and updates to look out for?
  • Entice Them with Some Information
    • If you’re sponsoring or hosting a presentation, think about the topic. Then, create interesting content around that topic and use it as a bite to “learn more at the presentation”.

How to Maximize Social Media at the Trade Show

When it comes to trade show marketing, social media is a powerful force at the event itself. We’ve compiled the best tips for social media strategy at a trade show.

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