How Engaging is Your Voice?


How interesting do you sound? Now that’s kind of an interesting question. I was thinking about this the other day because I bought an audio book on audible and everything was in alignment, the content looked amazing. I downloaded it and started listening to it and I was like ah I cannot listen to six hours of this guy drone on even when I’m interested in the content. Which is a little bit of an aha for you subject matter experts out there who know the stuff but unless you express it in a way that is engaging in a way that is interesting and easy on people to listen to you, then that information is never going to get across.

Now I found an app that I want to share with you and it’s called Vocular. It’s actually been measuring my voice as I’ve been doing this little video. I’m going to click it here and I’m gonna share with you what is the content? So you can see the voice depth, you can see the average, the median, the mode, the highest frequency, you can see the vocal fry.

Okay classification which is kind of the pitch says deeper than average in this case and then reliability. That is the data set that it recorded. And then the variance that’s the part you want to look at the bottom and it says varied. Varied is anything from 15 to you know to 30. Okay that is a vocal variety that is modulation. Under 15, 10 to 15 is low variance and then under 10 is considered monotone.

So that’s what you want to check. And under one it’s actually considered robotic. So it’s a $3 app, vocular check it out, see where you rank and if you were on that under 10 scale for variance, you may want to think about doing some different vocal exercises and kind of stretching out those muscles to move off that home base of that pitch that you tend to reside on.

And if you do that, you’re going to find maybe people want to listen a little more closely.

Interested in using your voice to connect, persuade and engage? Check out our Vocal Engagement course.